Corona virus: Is it okay to have sex?

The Venice Carnival attracts millions of people every year was cancelled and today Italia has 32 new cases, bringing the total to 357, becoming the most infected country in Europe with 11 deaths

Regarding the dangerous corona virus epidemic taking place all over the world and in Vietnam, the question many people ask is: What to do when communicating now? Is it ok to have sex?

So far there have been more than 81,000 infected cases of coronavirus, of which 78,000 are in China. The plague has spread to 30 countries, and declared a global health emergency with about 2,800 people dead.

Many questions have been asked:
I am a British citizen living in Italy, what precautions should I take? – Alex Darlbosco, Milan
A number of towns in the Veneto and Lombardy regions in the north of the country have been placed in quarantine and the Carnival of Venice has been cut short.

About 50,000 people will not be able to enter or leave affected areas for the next fortnight without special permission.

For people living in Italy – and the many thousands who travel there – a number of steps can be taken to limit the risk of coronavirus.

The virus spreads through human-to-human contact, via droplets from coughs.

So it’s important to wash the hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand sanitiser or warm water and soap, and to avoid touching the face.

In addition, you should avoid contact with anyone coughing, sneezing or with a fever.

Anyone who thinks he or she may have been infected with corona virus should notify the doctor immediately by phone.

(Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan, which sells illegal wildlife, is believed to have originated Sars-CoV-2, but recently researchers said the first patient (also called Patient No. 0) who was infected with Covid-19 somewhere and then went to the market and infected the people here)

It is still early days for making a direct comparison but we know both viruses are highly contagious.

On average, people with the coronavirus infect two to three other people, while those with flu pass it on to about one other person.

However, people infected with flu tend to become infectious to others more quickly, so both viruses are able to spread with ease.

Question: Could the virus be being spread by wildlife? – Robert Scammell, Fareham, Hampshire
It’s almost certain the initial outbreak of coronavirus in China began in an animal source.

Early cases of this new infection were traced to the Hu Seafood Wholesale Market, where live wild animals were also sold, including chickens, bats and snakes.

However, an animal may not be the host that spread it to people.

And for people in the UK, the chance of catching the virus from an animal is extremely low.

(A common question answered by WHO on Twitter: Can new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) survive in hot and humid climates? Answer: Yes, 2019-nCoV has spread to other countries. in both hot and humid climates, and cold and dry)

Can coronavirus be transmitted by things like door handles and how long does it survive? – Jean Jimenez, Panama
If someone infected with the virus coughs on to their hand and then touches something, that surface may become contaminated. Door handles are a good example of a surface that might pose a risk.

It’s not yet known how long the new coronavirus might be able to live on such surfaces. Experts suspect it is hours rather than days but it is best to wash your hands regularly to help reduce the risk of infection and spread of the virus.
Q: Does climate and temperature affect corona virus transmission? Ariyana, Märkisch-Oderland, Germany
We still have much to learn about this virus. It is not yet clear whether seasonal temperature changes will affect its spread.

Hongkong News on Feb 9 said 9 cases of family members being infected after having together hotpot and barbecue meal at a restaurant

Q: Can you catch the virus if you eat food prepared by someone who has it? Sean McIntyre, Brisbane, Australia
Can you catch the virus from food prepared by an infected individual? – Sean McIntyre, Brisbane, Australia
Someone infected with coronavirus could potentially pass it on to someone else if the food they prepare has not been handled hygienically. Coronavirus can be spread by cough droplets on hands. Washing your hands before touching and eating food is good advice for anyone, to stop the spread of germs.

Q: Once you’ve had coronavirus, will you then be immune? – Denise Mitchell, Bicester, Oxfordshire
When people recover from an infection, their body is left with some memory of how to fight it should they encounter it again. This immunity is not always long-lasting or totally efficient, however, and can decrease over time. It is not known how long immunity might last after being infected.

Can coronavirus be transmitted sexually? – David Cheong, Singapore
It is not clear yet whether this is a route of transmission we should be concerned about. Currently, coughs and sneezes are thought to be the main source of spread.

(Statistics of Corona Wuhan on Feb 26 – 2,770 deaths, 81,245 infected people worldwide, Korea up to 1,261 infected people, Iran with 19 deaths)

Q: Do people who have contracted coronavirus return to full health? – Chris Stepney, Milton Keynes
Yes. Many of those who contract coronavirus will experience only mild symptoms and most people are expected to make a full recovery.

However, it can pose a particular risk for elderly people and those with pre-existing problems such as diabetes or cancer, or weak immune systems.

Q: Can people who have been recovered from Covid-19 still spread the corona virus?
Mr. Trieu Kien Binh, Head of Department of Respiratory and Infectious Diseases, Dong Te Hospital of Hoa Trung University of Science and Technology, said there were many patients with Covid-19 in the country after recovering still have traces of new corona virus when performing nucleic acid tests.

This is very dangerous,” he said. Where should these patients be kept? We cannot send them home because they can spread nCoV to others, we cannot keep them in the hospital because of lack of resources.”

50% of secondary infections occur during the incubation period. The incubation period for the new strain of corona virus is expected to be about 5 days. But a team of Japanese scientists recently published research showing that at least 50% of new human-to-human coronavirus infections occurred before the first symptoms appeared.

(A supermarket in Italy with stalls wiped out because of fear of widespread influenza)

Previous corona viruses in the same family of Covid-19 can survive on surfaces of everyday objects at room temperature for 9 days, according to German researchers.

Room temperature is the temperature range of air that everyone likes for indoor settings, feeling comfortable wearing casual clothes indoors. Common room temperature is usually 25 degrees Celsius.

Research shows corona virus can survive 9 days on the surface of everyday objects at room temperature, making it possible for humans to become infected at any time.
This is the maximum time corona virus can survive outside the host. The average time is about 4-5 days.

According to research by German scientists, through analysis of 22 studies, corona virus strains such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) can exist on Surfaces like metal, glass, and plastic for up to 9 days.
However, the study did not specify that Covid-19 could survive on surfaces such as metal, glass, and plastic for up to 9 days because the strain is still new.

Hoang Lan from Ha Noi – (Translated)