Output of Vietnam’s largest oil refinery decreases by 20-25% due to shutdown

Nghi Son Refinery

Output of the largest Nghi Son oil refinery in Vietnam decreased by 20-25% in the first 10 days of 2023. The reason was said to be because an important factory suffers a technical problem and has to stop working for repair.

The state-controlled media on January 6 cited a source from the Ministry of Industry and Trade about the above news and warned that due to this incident, from now until the Lunar New Year (end of January) there will be a shortage of about 120,000 cubic metters of gasoline.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade and leaders of the Department of Petroleum & Coal had a meeting to discuss remedial measures. The obvious technical problem was a catalytic leak at the regenerative tower thermal expansion coupling of the RFCC (residual fluid catalytic cracking – continuous fluidized bed catalytic cracking). The repair time is expected to be until January 15.

Nghi Son Refinery has an investment of nine billion dollars and is the largest petrochemical refinery in Vietnam, located in Thanh Hoa province. The plant has a capacity of 200,000 barrels of crude oil per day, equivalent to 10 million tons of crude oil per year.

PVN currently holds a 25.1% stake in the factory. Japanese corporations including Idemitsu Kosan Co. and Kuwait Petroleum currently hold 35.1%, Mitsui Chemical Inc holds 4.8%.

Thoibao.de (Translated)